a world of your own within


your world is a place to return home to

you can find comfort in your own world — at any time you wish. it is always there. waiting for you. you can be your own salve for aches and pains. your own lullaby for insomniac days. your own greatest trainer, potent healer, wise sage, legendary champion, clairvoyant mystic, esteemed guard to the fortress of your heart. you can be your own greatest lover, your loyal life partner, your all-knowing mother, your sharpest best friend. you can be anything you need — at any time you need — for yourself.

you will know when it’s time. to leave the busy-ness of this world, the frenetic, blurred energy of other people’s worlds — and to retire to yours. your own. over time, you will slowly recognize how your world feels simply… different. separate. there is nothing like it. you’ll slowly recognize that feeling of settling inward — deeper into yourself.

what is this texture of your world?

how does it feel to be there?

how do you know once you’re there?

I felt it yesterday, sitting by the window at 4pm on a Sunday afternoon, grey and drizzling outside. I’m breathing in my body. drinking black tea. writing in my journal — and I’m suddenly aware of the fact that no one will ever truly understand what happens in my head, my psyche, my inner atmosphere. no one will truly see the changing weather of my emotions, smell this air, glimpse this ocean. no one except me.

and I was okay with it. more than okay. I was calm. joyful. because I knew that no matter where I go in life — wherever the wind blows me, I will always have this world to return home to. and my world, on good days: is exquisitely rich and mysterious, yet gentle, and soothing, like a cool-toned silk robe that I drape on on a hot summer night. it is minimal and spacious. holding both light and shadow. here and there, I’ll discover objects with so much beauty and meaning and poetry, and then, objects of intrigue and mystery, which I don’t quite understand, and that brings me joy, too. to know that my world is filled with infinite doors and hidden nooks, secret passageways, some which I know about. and some that I don’t. and what better thing to do with this lifetime — than to discover this world, room by room? and maybe, you’ll join me.