infinite inner worlds

the morning care kit 

7 days to cultivating an indestructible wellness routine



“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour, and that one, is what we are doing. A schedule defends from chaos and whim. It is a net for catching days.”

— Annie Dillard


What is the morning care kit?

The morning care kit is a simple 7 day course that helps you build a nourishing self-care routine for more calm and ease in your life.

It’s designed with 3 core principles in mind:

  1. Wellbeing is the essential foundation to life, and all of life’s pursuits.

  2. To nurture wellbeing is a daily practice, not an occasional activity.

  3. The morning routine is the most powerful way to do this practice — and to set your intention for the rest of your day.



How a morning routine can change your life

A morning routine is simply a container that creates time and space, everyday, for your internal commitments — to your wellbeing, creative pursuits, or bigger life goals. In a world of distractions and external commitments, it directs your attention to the important, non-urgent things; the things we easily neglect.

Possibilities for your morning routine:

  1. Practice inner peace and calm through meditation and yoga.

  2. Make time for exercise everyday.

  3. Nurture a consistent creative practice: ie, writing, painting, music.

  4. Learn a new language, or develop a career skill.

  5. Start building your own business.

  6. Connect to your deeper intuition and internal wisdom.

  7. Cultivate a more loving, attentive relationship with yourself.

Do you believe me when I say that even ten minutes — day by day, little by little — can change your life? I invite you to try it for six months, and write me.

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Why we struggle to stick to new habits

How many times have you attempted a new habit with a burst of enthusiasm, only for it to trail off, weeks later, and remembered with sheepishness, and bit of guilt? I have. Here are common reasons for aborted habits:

  1. Your motivations are not clear, connected, or powerful enough.

  2. The routine is too complicated and effortful.

  3. The commitment feels too rigid — and on bad days, it’s a drag.

  4. There’s no built-in structure for consistency and reinforcement.

I designed this 7 day kit to address all of these obstacles, one by one. My goal is not to give you a morning routine to try out for 7 days, or even 30 days. My goal is to teach you how to build a routine; any routine — that can stay with you for life. This is what I mean by an indestructible routine.

What you’ll learn in this toolkit:

  • The simple recipe to an indestructible routine

  • How to intentionally design any habit from scratch

  • Ways to make your routine feel effortless

  • Three strategies for filtering out all distractions

  • The secret to building daily consistency

  • Processes to evolve the routine with your changing life


A simple, 7-day toolkit to build your morning routine

The morning care kit comes in two formats — a paper kit, and a digital kit. The paper kit is ideal if you’d like a handmade, pleasurably tactile experience. Each copy is printed and mailed with care from my NYC studio, and ships in 3-5 business days. The digital kit is instantly downloadable, printable, editable, and comes with audio recordings of me reading the lessons.

What’s inside the kit

  • Quick start: how to design any habit

  • 7 daily lessons + 7 worksheets

  • A list of habit ideas, prompts, and rewards

  • 30 day habit tracking log

  • A booklet of bonus tips & resources

  • Audio recordings of each lesson

  • Ongoing email support: write me with questions, I’m here to help!

What you’ll need

  • 10-15 minutes, minimum, for your morning routine

  • 10-15 minutes a day to read the lessons and complete the worksheets

  • Your active effort, flexibility, patience, and willingness to experiment

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Course overview

essential tools for building an indestructible morning routine


Day 0: Start here
How to design any habit to feel automatic

Day 1: Setting intentions
Articulate a powerful reason why

Day 2: Evening prep
How to make your routine feel as effortless and smooth as possible

Day 3: Setting boundaries
Cultivate inner spaciousness by giving each distraction a container

Day 4: Gentle gardening
Bringing awareness to your self-talk and inner voices

Day 5: Five minute care
Adapt your routine fit into any space and time

Day 6 - Evolving your routine
How to experiment and play with flexibility

Day 7 - Loving tenderly
How to tune into yourself in every moment, no matter where you’re at in life


Who is this for?


Seekers of peace
Builders of beauty
Creators of magic
Young people with old ambitions
Old people with young dreams
Humans willing to look inward
Humans wanting to give outwards

This course is for you if you’re looking to commit more deeply to your life.

It’s for you if you’re committed to live your life from a place of intention, clarity, and power. It’s for you if you wish to tend to your life’s work, day by day, explore your creative expression, start your own business, grow your mind, body, and soul, or to simply exist in a state of deeper peace, connectedness, and joy. It all starts with wellbeing. And wellbeing starts with each day.


Who are you?


My name is Kening. I’m an artist and writer whose work centers around wellbeing, emotions, introspection, and relationships to self, place, and other. Sometimes my inner world looks like a jungle mid-thunderstorm. Other times, it’s a clear, crystal blue lake. A daily wellness practice is not an option for me; it’s a necessity. I can’t live, love, or do any meaningful work without nourishing my body and psyche. It’s a daily ongoing process. My morning routine has had the deepest and most lasting impact on my life.

I first started a morning routine in 2015. I wrote a long blog post detailing the entire journey (and lessons learned), which you can read here. Then, I continued to write about wellness. Two years ago, after a distracted, indulgent summer, I created a little booklet and titled it Camp Kening. It was full of grand plans and various notes to self. My friends were very excited by it, and encouraged me to make it into a bigger thing. Over time, it’s evolved into this care kit course. I’m excited for you to try it.

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100% love guarantee


I want you to love this course.
If you’re anything less than happy with it, let me know
within 30 days, and I’ll give you a full refund.


Start your morning care routine

for the launch of the kit, I’m offering a 30% discount!

The Paper Kit + Digital Kit

Just the Digital Kit

morning care kit (digital PDF)
Quick View
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the philosophy



Wellness is the essential foundation to everything in life —
your wildest ambitions, and your moment to moment experiences.


To love and care for yourself is to love and care for others.


All power for transformation and creation is within you.


Living deliberately is a daily, ongoing practice.
Practice who you want to be, and how you want to live.


You are already enough. Self-care is simply a way of seeing yourself as such.