poetry as prayer: heart & soul food

What if poetry could be our secular prayer? Our daily ritual for the spirit? What if it could be our morning evocation, our evening meditation? What if poetry can teach us what religion, for thousands of years, has sought out to — how to be more reverent and kind, how to practice more gratitude and love, how to see more truth, more beauty?

poetry index

Day 1 - Inside the Apple by Yehuda Amichai
Day 2 - The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry
Day 3 - Out Beyond Ideas of Wrongdoing and Rightdoing by Rumi
Day 4 - You Don’t Have to Act Crazy Anymore by Hafiz
Day 5 - Love After Love by Derek Walcott
Day 6 - Maybe by Mary Oliver
Day 7 - The Soul by Lal Ded
Day 8 - Sweet Darkness by David Whyte
Day 9 - What to Remember When Waking by David Whyte"
Day 10 - The Soul, Like the Moon by Lalla
Day 11 - Tao de ching verse 44 by Laozi
Day 12 - Summing Up by Claribel Alegria
Day 13 - Elegy by Aracelis Girmay
Day 14 - One Hundred Love Sonnets: XVII by Pablo Neruda
Day 15 - The House of Belonging, by David Whyte
Day 16 - The Peace Prayer, by St. Francis