dear seeker of a tranquil place within,

this room is under construction. I have beautiful plans for it, including: SOS crisis mode guide, a resources list, 5 minute calming practices, and more. in the meantime, here is my consolation to you, below: THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

last updated 7.7.21


01. a reminder: this too, shall pass.

02. take a bath

when i don't know what to do or how to deal with life — sometimes i drop everything and take a bath. taking a bath is like the opposite of taking a walk — a walk means movement, air, earth, sun, light. a bath means stillness, settling, soaking and sinking in oneself — a retreat into physical or metaphorical darkness; the 360 degree embrace of water.

 03. listen to medicine songs

here is a good thing to have in your emotional medicinal closet — a personalized playlist of medicine songs: a short curation of songs to listen to when you're feeling especially terrible.


04. bike to a lake for a bath

if you have the energy, then look for a body of water to submerge (your mind) in, and see if it’s within biking distance. get very tired on the way, and maybe lost. seek solace in the water.